
The application of quantum phenomena to the development of new technological applications is one of the challenges of this century, as it promises to revolution citizens’ lives on communication, sensing, computation, and security.

Quantum technologies are a priority of European and national stakeholders, in order to secure European technological sovereignty in this highly strategic field. As renowned actor in quantum science and technology, Université Grenoble-Alpes is proposing a COFUND DP aimed at efficiently train research fellows in this emergent domain, facing short to long-term challenges, and to build their career perspectives with various track options (short to medium-term positions, in private employment market, where the need of several thousand jobs profiles in quantum topics is expected to emerge in the next eight years, and in renown research centres all across Europe). Fellows will be at the forefront of emergent quantum discoveries from fundamental science to novel technologies, in a “3i” ecosystem, with perspective to diversify their set of skills and forge new mind sets and approaches to research and innovation.

QuanG will rely on the strong basis sets by previous COFUND, enabling fellows to be rapidly recruited using robust, efficient, fair and transparent recruitment and integration process, and immersed in excellent training and supervision conditions, both from research and transferable skills perspectives. Besides, QuanG will aim at including all types of minorities and will strongly encourage women applications. 30 Associated Partners, academics and industrials, and 17 laboratories are supporting UGA in pushing forward this ambitious project, that will recruit 36 PhD fellows, over 4 calls, for a duration of 5 years. UGA consortium will invest 60% of the total funding available to fellows noticeably covering research, training, communication and selection costs.

Autumn 2024 Call for theses

We are opening in Grenoble a common PhD call in quantum sciences and technologies supported by the QuanG Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) COFUND program of the European Union, the QuanTEdu-France PhD program and the Labex QuantAlps.

Candidates are encouraged to apply to all the different programs if they fulfill the corresponding eligibility criteria. We strive for gender diversity and equality in the profiles of the selected candidates and we are particularly committed to support women in quantum sciences and technologies.

QuanG – We are seeking talented and motivated applicants in the domains of physics, computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, chemistry and humanities, for a PhD thesis in quantum sciences and/or technologies (see the Guide of Applicant for details). The thesis project has to plan a secondment in a company (2 months) or in an international academic laboratory (4 months). Applicants have to satisfy the EU MSCA mobility criteria i.e. they must have not spent more than 12 months in France during the last three years (i.e., between March 16th 2021 and March 15th, 2024), not including holidays

QuanTEdu-France We are seeking talented and motivated applicants in the domains of physics, computer science, electrical engineering and mathematics, for a PhD thesis in quantum technologies. Thesis topics have to cover quantum computing, quantum simulation, quantum communication, quantum sensors or quantum metrology.

QuantAlps-Labex –  We are seeking talented and motivated applicants in the domains of physics, computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, and humanities, for a PhD thesis in quantum sciences. The PhD thesis project must fulfil at least one of the Labex synergy criteria: i) co-supervision by researchers belonging to two different teams of the QuantAlps laboratories; ii) interdisciplinary or inter-Labex project; iii) collaboration with R&D laboratories or companies.

Pratical informations

PhD STARTING DATE: February 1st 2025 to June 1st 2025.

GROSS SALARY PRIOR TO EMPLOYEE TAX DEDUCTION:      2200 euros for QuanTEdu-France and QuantAlps Labex; 2300 euros for QuanG                                  

Additional travel allowance will be granted by QuanG and QuanTEdu programs.
For QuanG, it will cover up to 8k€ the secondment costs including travel and accommodation, and the participation to international conferences and schools.
For QuanTEdu-France, a funding of 5k€ is awarded to finance missions (registration, travel and accommodation) during the thesis.

Yearly enrollment to University Grenoble Alpes is around 500 euros (covered by QuanG only)

DURATION: 36 months

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: candidates have to apply for QuanG, QuanTEdu and QuantAlps programs through the application interface with its online form. 

They have to present a PhD project together with their future supervisors, following the instructions detailed in the application interface. 

Two reference letters following the model proposed in the application interface should be sent directly by theirs authors to the email address: quantum-grenoble-phd@listes.grenoble.cnrs.fr

Deadlines and timeline

By September 27th 2024 at 17:00 (central European time): the complete application should be submitted through the web interface and the reference letters should be sent by email to quantum-grenoble-phd@listes.grenoble.cnrs.fr

November 11th to 15th, 2024: selection of candidates for an interview.

December 12th to 16th, 2024: interview of the selected candidates.

December 20th, 2024: information on the outcome of the selection.

By January 3rd, 2025 at 23:59 (central European time) : acceptance of the positions is required from the selected candidates.

PhD thesis subjects